Google: How to remove a device from Trusted Device Lists

Have you encounter issue when you want to remove a device that you used to login into your Google account? But the problem is, you can't find where to remove it. No worries, I already found way on how to remove it! Yeay! So, everytime you logged in into the device that is not in trusted lists, it will send the notification to you. More secured.

Login into your account from your trusted device; it can be either smartphone or even a laptop.

1. Go to your account setting. If you're using Android, go to Google Setting.
2. Go to Security tab. Click Secure Account.

3. Click Your Devices.
4. It will list down all devices that is in trusted lists. Click on the device that you want to remove and click Remove.

That's pretty much about it. Hurrraayy! 😎